Rural Health Care

About Rural Health Care

California’s nearly five dozen rural hospitals, including 37 critical access hospitals, provide care to more than 2 million people. They are lifelines and economic pillars for the communities they serve. Many of these hospitals are on the financial brink, reducing services just to stay open and facing the possibility of closure. These challenges place the most vulnerable populations at risk as Californians will have to travel great distances to get the care they need.

The California Critical Access Hospital Network (CCAHN) is a statewide organization that creates collaborative working relationships among California critical access hospitals to strengthen their ability to care for their communities through sharing resources, education, and innovation.

CHA Issues Alert as Key Seismic Legislation Moves Forward 

What’s happening: Earlier this week, CHA issued an alert encouraging members to contact their state senators to support Senate Bill (SB) 1432, which would extend the 2030 seismic compliance deadline. 

What else to know: SB 1432 passed the Senate Health Committee 11-0 last month. It will next be considered in the Senate Appropriations Committee on May 16; the committee chair is the bill’s lead author. The amended bill includes the following: 

House Approves Bills Focused on Rural Health Care

What’s happening: The House Ways and Means Committee approved six bills that address a wide range of pressing health care issues facing rural communities. 

What else to know: CHA will continue to work with members of the California delegation to support these measures and urge their passage into law. 

Rural Maternal Health Resources Available for Hospitals

What’s happening: The Health Resources and Services Administration has provided resources, including toolkits and webinar recordings, to support access to safe, high-quality maternity care in rural communities. 

What else to know: The complete four-part webinar series is now available. 

Hospital Leaders Discuss Financial Challenges with Legislators on Capitol Hill

What’s happening: Last week, California hospital and health system leaders convened in Washington, D.C. for the American Hospital Association (AHA) Annual Membership Meeting.   

What else to know: Hospital and health system leaders participated in meetings on Capitol Hill with the California congressional delegation to advance CHA’s position on key advocacy priorities.  

Trinity Hospital

Trinity Hospital is owned by Mountain Communities Healthcare District and is located in Trinity County in Northern California. It has 25 acute care beds, 26 skilled-nursing beds, an 24-hour emergency room and operating room that provides many services including general surgical procedures, endoscopies, colonoscopies, laboratory, diagnostic imaging, CT and ultrasound, mobile mammography, physical therapy, skilled […]

CHA Aims Critical Access Hospital Social Media Campaign at Lawmakers

What’s happening: This week, CHA launched a social media campaign highlighting the challenges rural hospitals – particularly critical access hospitals – face and urging lawmakers to act so that rural health care is preserved.  

What else to know: The campaign is intended to cultivate support for Senate Bill (SB) 1423 (Dahle, R-Bieber), which would provide additional financial help for California’s critical access hospitals (a concurrent budget effort is underway). CHA-sponsored SB 1423 will be heard in the Senate Health Committee on April 24.