CHA Amicus Activity Tracker

Judicial Advocacy for Hospitals

In addition to its federal and state legislative and regulatory advocacy, CHA also advocates for hospitals through the judicial system by filing amicus (“friend of the court”) briefs in cases that may potentially have a broad impact on hospitals and health systems. Amicus briefs allow CHA to provide important factual context and legal analysis from hospitals’ perspectives. CHA’s most recent amicus efforts beginning in 2021 are summarized below.  

CHA is also a longstanding member of, and financial contributor to, a committee that submits amicus briefs presenting the health care provider perspective. This is done primarily in cases in which plaintiffs seek to challenge or restrict the protections for health care providers enacted in the Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA) but also in cases that potentially negatively impact potential liability for those providers. This amicus committee consists of representatives from CHA, the California Medical Association, the California Dental Association, some individual hospitals or health systems, and major professional liability insurance carriers. In the last 10 years, this committee, through its association members, has filed amicus briefs and letters in approximately 40 different cases pending in California’s appellate courts.   


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