Health Equity

About Health Equity

Disparate health outcomes are often the result of historic and systemic inequalities and unequal access to health care. This is untenable in a just society. That’s why California’s hospitals are committed to ensuring every Californian receives equitable, high-quality care. Hospitals alone cannot eliminate health disparities; it will take systemic reform and broad partnerships to improve the status quo. View snapshots of health indicators for CA’s legislative and congressional districts.

CHA Issues Summary of New Payment Model on Kidney Transplant Access

What’s happening: A summary of the finalized Increasing Organ Transplant Access Model is available for CHA members.  

What else to know: The model will test whether performance-based incentive payments paid to or owed by participating kidney transplant hospitals increase access to kidney transplants for patients with end-stage renal disease.  

Doula Access in Hospitals: What the Law Requires

Join this webinar and learn more about creating a partnership between your hospital and the doulas that serve your geographic area. Learn about the legal requirements associated with doulas as well as best practices from a hospital with a successful doula program.

Advancing LGBTQ+ Health Equity with the Healthcare Equality Index

Join this webinar to learn more about the survey and how the information obtained can be used to advance efforts to provide equitable care to all your patients. You will also hear from two hospital members discussing their experiences with the survey and how they have implemented changes to better serve their LGBTQ+ community and employees.

CDPH Licensing in a Post-Pandemic World — Participant Information

Significant changes impacting hospitals are coming with the governor’s announcement that the COVID-19 State of Emergency will end on February 28, 2023. Many state waivers will end and hospitals will need to plan in order to continue certain practices and operations.   Experts from CHA and CDPH will address key issues and take questions during this […]

Member Update and Discussion: FEMA Public Assistance Funds — Participant Information

FEMA public assistance represents an important source of funding to help governmental and not-for-profit hospitals and health systems offset COVID-19 related expenses. However, CHA members have experience numerous delays in getting their applications processed. Join Anne O’Rourke, Senior Vice President, Federal Relations and Chad Mulvany, Vice President Federal Policy as they provide an update on […]