About Affordability
Health care is a basic human need, one that Californians rely on to live, grow, and prosper. Unfortunately, the cost of care has become too high for many working families. For years, California’s hospitals have made headway toward controlling costs. To ensure care for every Californian, the entire health care field must tighten its belt — insurance companies, physicians, labor unions, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and more. California’s hospitals stand ready to tackle this challenge through engagement with the Office of Health Care Affordability
Key Messages: Understand Health Care Costs and OHCA’s Role in Shaping Health Care Delivery
California hospitals are among the most cost-efficient in the nation, despite factors outside their control.
Office of Health Care Affordability Cost & Market Impact Review Process
Hear directly from CHA and the Department of Health Care Access and Information, Office of Health Care Affordability experts on how this review process will impact your hospital.
Office of Health Care Affordability (OHCA) 101: What You Need to Know and What is to Come
CHA is hosting a webinar to review the Office of Health Care Affordability’s various responsibilities and objectives under state law, provide a high-level update of implementation progress to date, and preview what is coming next from this important new regulatory agency.
Hospital Finance Week
CHA will address five critical aspects of hospital finance during Finance Week – one topic per day, five days in a row, with experts offering guidance and answering questions each day. Five days, five webinars. This is where the information you need, dry or not, is delivered by people who understand why you need it […]
Hospital Finance Week: Spotlight: California’s New Office of Health Care Affordability
This session will review the Office of Health Care Affordability (OHCA) authorizing statute and the specific requirements of the Office, including: Hear what’s changing and how to prepare. Insights from early experiences with the Office will be shared.