What’s happening: CHA has released advocacy materials — infographics, key messages, and issue briefs — for a suite of priority issues for 2024.
What else to know: Infographics offer a quick view for people in a hurry (e.g., lawmakers) while issue briefs provide a deeper dive for those who want more information (e.g., staffers). Both are ideal leave-behinds. Key messages are for use in developing talking points or presentations, or for general information.
These materials may be updated throughout the year as circumstances change and new data points emerge; updates will be shared in CHA News.
- Affordability/Office of Health Care Affordability
- Insurer Accountability
- Seismic
- Behavioral Health
- Financial Distress
- Health Care Partnerships
- Workers’ Compensation
Watch this space the first week of each month for more information about CHA’s communications work.