Hospital Operations

About Hospital Operations

Hospitals are grappling with staffing shortages, financial shortfalls, and extensive oversight and regulation. One in five hospitals is at risk of closure, yet hospitals remain committed to maintaining the care communities rely on and supporting the state’s health care workforce. To do this, hospitals are actively working with legislators and policymakers to find innovative and efficient ways to deliver care to all Californians.

CHA Advocacy Materials on Key Issues Available  

What’s happening: CHA has released advocacy materials — infographics, key messages, and issue briefs — for a suite of priority issues for 2024.  

What else to know: Infographics offer a quick view for people in a hurry (e.g., lawmakers) while issue briefs provide a deeper dive for those who want more information (e.g., staffers). Both are ideal leave-behinds. Key messages are for use in developing talking points or presentations, or for general information.   

HHS Establishes Voluntary Cybersecurity Goals for Health Care

What’s happening: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has released voluntary health care-specific cybersecurity performance goals (CPGs) to help organizations prioritize implementation of high-impact cybersecurity practices. 

What else to know: The CPGs include 10 essential and 10 enhanced goals. They are based on multiple cybersecurity frameworks and directly address common attack vectors against U.S. domestic hospitals as identified in the 2023 Hospital Cyber Resiliency Landscape Analysis.  

Real-Time Exchange of Electronic Health Records is Underway

What’s happening: Health care and social services organizations in California are required to share electronic health records as of Jan. 31 under the new Data Exchange Framework (DxF).   

What else to know: Assembly Bill 133 (Statutes of 2021) outlined the requirement for health care providers, plans, and other entities to exchange health information for treatment, payment, or health care operations.