Health Information Management & Technology

About Health Information Management & Technology

California hospitals are committed to making health information easy to share so that patients and providers can make better informed decisions. This coordination leads to better health outcomes for patients and more efficient health care for all. CHA produces the California Health Information Privacy Manual to help hospitals ensure compliance with myriad state and federal laws.

Health Information Exchange

Assembly Bill (AB) 133 (Statutes of 2021) outlined the requirement for health care providers, plans, and others to exchange health information in real time for treatment, payment, or health care operations. In July 2023, the California Health and Human Services Agency’s (CalHHS) Center for Data Insights and Innovation (CDII) released the Data Exchange Framework (DxF) and Data Sharing Agreement (DSA), which outlines the initial requirements for health information exchange for health and human services organizations in California. The DxF will govern the exchange of health and human services information in California. To facilitate compliance with the DxF, CHA has gathered the current information regarding the DxF, the DSA, and related policies and procedures.

Participant User Guide Assists Hospitals That Signed State’s Data Sharing Agreement

What’s happening: The Center for Data Insights and Innovation (CDII) has released a Participant User Guide for hospitals that have signed the California Data Exchange Framework’s (Dxf) Data Sharing Agreement. The guide explains the information exchange process of health and social services information and outlines how requests for information between Dxf participants — including admission, discharge, and transfer notifications — should occur. 

What else to know: CDII also released version 1.2 of the DxF Policy and Procedure “Data Elements to be Exchanged” document, which aligns the state requirement for exchanging health and social services information with the U.S. Core Data for Interoperability information required by the federal Office of the National Coordinator beginning Jan. 1, 2026. The same DxF Policy and Procedure version 1.1 document remains effective through Dec. 31.  

HHS Proposes Updates to HIPAA Security Rule

What’s happening: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) proposed revisions to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Security Rule aim to strengthen cybersecurity protections for electronic protected health information (ePHI). 

What else to know: Comments on the proposed rule are due by March 7. 

CHA Releases Summary of New Hospital Bed Tracking System

What’s happening: The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) received the authority and funding to implement a real-time hospital bed capacity system through Assembly Bill 177. CDPH  plans to work with the Hospital Association of Oregon to implement the Healthcare Capacity System (HCS), developed by its affiliate, Apprise 

What else to know: CDPH selected HCS after an extensive search. The state’s goal is to use this data to monitor hospital surge and system capacity, understand regional needs,  develop policies, and position resources appropriately  

New Interoperability Final Rule Focuses on Information Sharing

What’s happening: The Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy (ASTP) and Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology issued the second part of a final rule to advance interoperability and improve information sharing among patients, providers, payers, and public health authorities.   

What else to know: This final rule focuses on information blocking exceptions, including reproductive health data policies. 

Final Rule Advances Interoperability, Info Sharing in Health Care

What’s happening: The Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy (ASTP) and Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology issued a final rule to advance interoperability and improve information sharing among patients, providers, payers, and public health authorities.  

What else to know: In future rulemaking, the ASTP will finalize additional policies included in the proposed rule.  

Exploring the Future of AI in Health Care: Insights from the HQI and Hospital Council Conference

What’s happening: At this year’s Hospital Quality Institute (HQI) and Hospital Council Conference, thought leaders and cutting-edge practitioners convened for conversations about artificial intelligence (AI) in health care and how it may evolve in the future.  

What else to know: About 350 people, including frontline patient safety professionals, chief nursing officers, and hospital leaders, attended the event at Lake Tahoe Oct. 20-21.  

CMS Requests Information on AI Use in Health Care

What’s happening: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a request for information (RFI) on how artificial intelligence (AI) is used to improve health care delivery, with the goal of informing future rulemaking. 

What else to know: CMS will select organizations to showcase their AI products and services to educate the agency and inform future policymaking during a series of “Demo Days” starting in October.