Emergency Department/Trauma

About Emergency Department/Trauma

California’s emergency departments (EDs) provide critical health services to those experiencing trauma, injury, or acute medical conditions. EDs offer comprehensive care, do not require previous authorization, and are open 24/7 year-round. EDs are facing unprecedented patient volume, with a 42% increase in the past seven years. By improving access to care for primary and specialty services, emergency visits can be reduced. More focused state and federal policies will be required to reduce Californians’ health care risks and ensure equitable access to appropriate care levels before people need emergency care.

A significant issue facing emergency departments (EDs) across California is ambulance patient offload time (APOT): the time it takes for a patient arriving at a hospital by ambulance to be transferred into the (ED). CHA has developed an APOT issue web page with additional information and resources.

Assembly Bill 40 (2023) – APOT Reduction Protocol Requirements

As mandated by Assembly Bill 40 (2023), California hospitals must submit Ambulance Patient Offload Time (APOT) Reduction Protocols by September 1, 2024. This Educational Brief will provide you with some best practices from your peers. This presentation reviews key deadlines and requirements and shares Sutter Health’s approach to incorporating APOT protocols into existing procedures.  

2024 Emergency Services Forum

Join us for the 2024 Emergency Services Forum in beautiful Newport Beach. This conference is dedicated to the uniqueness of hospital ED management and its intersection with emergency services and the community.

New Demands on Emergency Departments in 2024 — Participant Information

Actions taken by Governor Newsom during the 2023 legislative season will significantly impact California’s emergency departments. Many bills signed into law affect hospitals for years to come.   Hear from CHA experts as they focus on the implications of ambulance patient offload time requirements, behavioral health care laws, and discharge challenges.  Speakers will:  Provide updates on […]

2023 PG&E Community Wildfire Safety Program: Information for Hospitals

The Healthcare Energy Fitness Initiative (HEFI) is a comprehensive energy efficiency solution designed to support PG&E health care customers save money by optimizing their energy performance. This unique program provides no-cost expert technical services, end-to-end project support, and lucrative financial incentives to qualifying customers.

Register for this webinar and learn how a team of experienced energy experts and highly qualified Delivery Partners, along with your PG&E Account Manager, will help projects get identified, approved, funded, and completed so you can focus on delivering patient care.

The Hitches and Glitches of AB 2275 – LPS 5150 Involuntary Treatment

While Assembly Bill (AB) 2275 went into law six months ago, interpretations on implementing changes vary among counties, and many unanswered questions remain in emergency departments across the state. Join CHA to hear what the law requires, what Lanterman-Petris Short (LPS) Act patients’ rights come into play, and how to engage community partners to successfully […]

Emergency Services Legislative Updates

CHA is hosting a webinar to ensure members are well-informed on proposed bills and understand how collaborations with outside entities like ambulance providers, LEMSAs, and fire departments can aid in delivering effective, safe patient care.