
About Medicare

The federal Medicare program is an essential pillar of the state’s health care system, supporting more than 6 million Californians over the age of 65 and younger Californians with disabilities. One in five hospitals is at risk of closing, in part because Medicare reimbursement rates are far lower than the cost of providing care. It’s essential that future federal Medicare policy protects patient care.

Medicare Inpatient Rule: Mandatory Bundled Payment Model

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed the Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM), which will hold selected hospitals accountable for the cost and quality of certain surgical procedures. TEAM aims to improve outcomes for Medicare patients undergoing certain high-volume surgical procedures while reducing Medicare spending.

IRF Review Choice Demonstration

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently introduced the Review Choice Demonstration (RCD) for Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs) in Alabama, with plans to expand the program to California in the near future.

Federal Medicaid Proposed Regulations Webinar

CHA is hosting a webinar featuring Chad Mulvany, Vice President of Federal Policy, and Robert Ducay, Vice President of Policy. Both experts will discuss their insights and potential impacts related to these proposals. They will answer any questions you have about these proposed rules. 

Filing the Triennial Occupational Mix Index Report

Filing the Triennial Occupational Mix Index Report webinar will cover the basics of the Occupational Mix Adjustment (OMA), the history and calculation of the OMA, and strategies for improving the accuracy of your Occupational Mix data. This session will be hosted by Fred Fisher and Ryan Sader of Toyon Associates, who will share their expertise gained through the submission and audit support of more than 150 Occupational Mix Surveys.

Medicare Area Wage Index Litigation Update

Since 2020, CHA has sponsored a legal challenge on behalf of its members to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) area wage index (AWI) policies that harm all California hospitals. Register for this webinar and listen to lawyers from Hooper, Lundy & Bookman, P.C. (HLB) for an update on this litigation. Learn about […]

Overview of Changes to the Medicare BPCI-A Payment Model

CMS recently announced the extension of the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced (BPCI-A) model. Join us for this informative webinar as experts provide an overview of the model, including updates for 2024 participation, application considerations, and program details. Organizations that have never applied for BPCI-A, as well as current BPCI-A participants, will benefit from […]

Multipurpose Senior Services Program

CHA is hosting a webinar to increase awareness about the program and provide information on the benefits to patients, eligibility requirements, access to services, and much more. Hear from Partners in Care Foundation, a leader in Multipurpose Senior Services, on success stories, care management experience, and where to find care in your area.