
About Medi-Cal

More than 15 million Californians rely on Medi-Cal, the state’s health care coverage safety net, for health insurance. Two-thirds of those on Medi-Cal are people of color and often live in communities with a lack of adequate health care providers. Without significant investments to support providers that deliver health care to California’s most vulnerable, millions living in rural and underserved areas are in jeopardy.

Doula Access in Hospitals: What the Law Requires

Join this webinar and learn more about creating a partnership between your hospital and the doulas that serve your geographic area. Learn about the legal requirements associated with doulas as well as best practices from a hospital with a successful doula program.

CHA Encourages Members to Participate in the Vitality Index Payer Scorecard

What’s happening: CHA is endorsing member participation in the Vitality Index Payer Scorecard, which will provide critical information to support CHA’s advocacy to hold insurers accountable for timely and accurate reimbursement.  

What else to know: The CHA Board of Trustees has endorsed this tool, which will automatically draw de-identified claims and remittance information from hospitals without requiring additional reporting or surveys.  

Area Wage Index Litigation

This page contains important, members-only information related to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ recently finalized area wage index policy. To continue, please log in to your member account. 

Federal Medicaid Proposed Regulations Webinar

CHA is hosting a webinar featuring Chad Mulvany, Vice President of Federal Policy, and Robert Ducay, Vice President of Policy. Both experts will discuss their insights and potential impacts related to these proposals. They will answer any questions you have about these proposed rules. 

FEMA Region 9/CalOES Reimbursement Update

Comments on the proposed rule are due to CMS by June 9. Join CHA’s Megan Howard and Chad Mulvany as they provide a summary of the proposed rule implications on your organization and how you can share your concerns on the impending changes.

Multipurpose Senior Services Program

CHA is hosting a webinar to increase awareness about the program and provide information on the benefits to patients, eligibility requirements, access to services, and much more. Hear from Partners in Care Foundation, a leader in Multipurpose Senior Services, on success stories, care management experience, and where to find care in your area.