Behavioral Health

About Behavioral Health

California has a behavioral health care crisis, as more Californians need care, and there are not enough providers to deliver that care. As a last resort, those facing a mental health crisis turn to hospital emergency departments. The number of people going to an emergency department for mental health needs jumped 68% from 2010 to 2020; for children 12 to 17 that number climbed 31%. Creating a behavioral health care system means making access easier and more equitable, while ensuring patients receive care in the most appropriate setting.

The Buffer Zone: A Novel Approach to MCI Surge in the Era of Hospital Crowding

Creating immediate surge capacity for critically injured patients in a mass casualty incident (MCI) is critical in MCI response. However, the current era of hospital overcrowding and emergency department (ED) boarding has undermined the ability of the ED to create surge capacity. Brigham and Women’s Hospital has leveraged the buffer zone concept within their ED […]

ED Resource Relief – Implementing the CARE Act

This year, every county in California will begin operating a new option for civil courts to be involved in the treatment of people with a serious mental illness: the CARE Act. Hospitals often treat individuals with schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders who are in crisis and are not stabilized in treatment – people who seem to […]

2024 Behavioral Health Care Symposium

Join us at the Hyatt Regency Long Beach on December 10-11 for two days of relevant topics on behavioral health care in California from speakers you want to hear. If you thought the 2023 Symposium in Sacramento was good – just wait til this one. And this year you get to enjoy the great Pacific Ocean. Long Beach is a vacation destination so put this date on both your work and play calendars!

2023 Behavioral Health Care Symposium

Did you see the Symposium is in Sacramento this year? Bringing California’s hospital leaders, policymakers, and experts on behavioral health together, the symposium will dive into the public policies, politics, and financial issues shaping behavioral health care in our state.   Share the news with your colleagues. This is big.  Register today!

Important Legal Changes to Psychiatric Holds in 2023

This webinar will provide a review of new state laws affecting all hospitals that treat patients on an involuntary psychiatric hold including hospital emergency departments and inpatient psychiatric services. It will describe the intersection of hospital EMTALA requirements and the involuntary psychiatric hold process. Audience:Health Care Executives, Case Managers, Social Workers, Risk Managers, Emergency Department […]

2022 Behavioral Health Care Symposium

CHA has designed its 2022 Behavioral Health Symposium as an opportunity for California’s hospital leaders to catch up on recent investments and policy changes, as well as hear from experts on the latest cutting-edge treatment options for mental illness and substance use disorders.