Search Results for: "Emergency Operations Plan"

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CHA Asks Hospitals to Urge Representatives to Support Equitable Distribution of Livers for Transplantation

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Earlier this month, CHA sent an Advocacy Alert to hospital leaders explaining a new policy that reduces the disparity in access to livers for transplantation in California and asking hospitals to urge their members of Congress to sign a bipartisan letter supporting the policy. The deadline for signatures has been extended to 2 p.m. (PT) on Feb. 28. 

CHA Comments on CY 2019 Physician Fee Schedule Proposed Rule

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CHA has submitted the attached letter on the calendar year (CY) 2019 physician fee schedule (PFS) and quality payment program (QPP) proposed rule, providing comments on many of the provisions that are significant to hospitals and the physicians who provide care in hospitals. This includes CMS’ proposal to maintain a payment rate of 40 percent of outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS) rates for items and services furnished at certain off-campus hospital outpatient provider based clinics, as required by Section 603 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015. CHA is disappointed that the agency continues to ignore the significant differences in regulatory requirements and responsibilities of the hospital outpatient department in providing health care services to Medicare beneficiaries, and urges the agency to refine its methodology for determining the rate. CHA believes a more robust analysis would support a payment rate of 65 percent of the OPPS rates.

CHA also comments on CMS’ proposal to reduce documentation requirements for evaluation and management (E/M) visits while collapsing payments for Level 2 through Level 5 E/M visits into a single blended payment rate. While supporting a number of the proposals that would reduce documentation burden, CHA urges the agency to withdraw its payment proposal and engage stakeholders to address the outdated coding system and improve payment accuracy in the future.

CHA Applauds Court Decision to Move Forward With Implementation of New Liver Allocation Policy

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A federal judge has denied a motion to delay implementation of the Acuity Circle Model, the new liver transplantation allocation policy approved by the Organ Procurement and Transplant Network (OPTN) in December 2018. OPTN launched the new liver distribution system on May 14. CHA has long supported this important policy.


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Based in Sacramento, the California Hospital Association is the statewide leader representing the interests of more than 400 hospitals and health systems in California.  We collaborate with our members to provide strong and effective representation and advocacy to advance the interests of California hospitals, patients and communities.  CHA is a trusted resource, working with members to achieve legislative, regulatory, and legal accomplishments at the state and federal level.

CHA Chart Highlights Differences Between State and Federal Vaccine Mandates

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This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.In response to member questions, CHA has created a side-by-side comparison of the three federal vaccine mandates and the California public health officer order requiring health care workers to be vaccinated.   California hospitals that participate in the Medicare or Medi-Cal program must comply with […]

Data Analyst

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The Hospital Quality Institute (HQI) is a non-profit organization committed to provide timely, accurate information and data reports for California hospitals to help them continually improve patient care.  The Data Management and Analytics Staff at HQI collaborate to design, implement, integrate, and maintain systems of data acquisition to provide analytics for supporting hospital safety and quality improvement activities.  Current projects include developing and improving the Hospital Quality Improvement Platform (HQIP), which is a data hub and web application allowing California

CHA DataSuite Releases Three Hospital-Specific Analyses

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CHA DataSuite has issued analyses of the federal fiscal year (FFY) 2024 wage index and occupational mix data and two proposed rules — the skilled-nursing facility (SNF) prospective payment system (PPS) and the long-term care hospital (LTCH) PPS.