Holding Insurers Accountable

Health insurance companies have enormous power in California. In fact, 94% of the commercial health insurance market is controlled by just six companies. They are increasingly denying enrollees access to care, and even refusing to pay for care that’s already been delivered, all while padding their bottom lines. CHA is working to hold insurers accountable for meeting their basic responsibilities to patients and advocating for increased oversight and accountability for insurance companies.

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In April 2024, CHA filed a lawsuit against Anthem Blue Cross alleging that the insurance giant is harming patients due to its disregard for state requirements to maintain an adequate network of care providers and not paying for the additional hospital care it forces to be provided to patients. Read more:

Hospital Association Files Lawsuit Against Anthem Blue Cross for Violating Patient Protection State Laws 

SACRAMENTO (April 23, 2024) — Anthem Blue Cross, one of California’s largest health insurance companies, consistently leaves thousands of its patients stranded in hospital beds long after they have been medically cleared for discharge, a violation of California law. These victims of discharge delays are forced to stay in hospitals longer, are deprived of timely post-hospital health care services, and cause backlogs for other patients who have to wait longer for hospital beds.  

Contact: Patricia Blaisdell, vice president, policy

Legislative Advocacy

AB 1842 | Facilitate Access to Medication-Assisted Treatment

Reyes, D-San Bernardino

Would ban prior authorization for medication-assisted treatment

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AB 3221 | Increase Oversight of Health Plan Practices

Pellerin, D-Santa Cruz

Would require records, books, and other documentation from health plans to be available for inspection, including in electronic form, by the Department of Managed Health Care

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AB 3275 | Improve Timely Payment for Financially Challenged Hospitals

Soria, D-Merced and R. Rivas, D-Salinas

Would require health plans and insurers to reimburse services provided by small or rural providers, critical access hospitals, or financially distressed hospitals in a timely manner

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SB 999 | Ensure Patients Receive Medically Necessary Care

Cortese, D-Campbell

Would require health plans and insurers to have qualified health care providers make review decisions, be available for authorization requests during normal business hours, and provide clinical citations used for care denials

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SB 1320 | Promote Parity in Mental and Physical Health Care

Wahab, D-Fremont

Would require health plans and insurers to create a process to reimburse providers for mental health and substance use disorder treatment services that are integrated with primary care services

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Patients Suffer as Too
Many Insurance Companies
Pad Their Bottom Lines

Hospital COVID One nurse showing a framed photograph of a relative to a COVID patient.

Issue Brief

State Regulators Must Take Action to Ensure Patients Get Care When They Need It

Statewide Survey on Insurer-Driven Discharge Crisis

Insurance Company Red Tape, Inadequate Networks, and Authorization Denials Leave Patients Stranded in Hospitals

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