CHA News

Data Reporting Updates Include ICU Surge Beds, Therapeutic Fields

For COVID-19 tracker designees

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

With the surge in COVID-19 cases and the decreasing ICU capacity across California, the state finds it necessary to track ICU surge beds. To capture this information, CHA will update the CHA COVID-19 Tracking Tool to include a new field called ICU Surge Beds (a subset of the Total Surge Beds field) on Jan. 8

Following are updates to data reporting: 

  • The addition of one new field: ICU Surge Beds 
  • The four weekly therapeutic fields below will become mandatory on Wednesday, Jan. 13 
    • Current Inventory: casirivimab/indevimab  
    • Courses Used in Past Week: casirivimab/indevimab 
    • Current Inventory: bamlanivimab 
    • Courses Used in Past Week: bamlanivimab 
  • The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently provided clarifications on therapeutic reporting (see page 7 of this Q & A document). Courses used/administered should be counted for locations including an inpatient, ED, overflow, or outpatient location, such as an urgent care, infusion center, or outpatient clinics. 

 CHA will provide hospitals and systems currently using the data upload feature with a revised template in advance.  Updates in the revised data dictionary are highlighted in blue. In addition, CHA is working with CDPH to update the data reporting guidance document.  

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