Search Results for: "Recovery"

Showing 61 - 70 of 149 results

Health Care Coverage Expansion Is Vital, But Now Is the Wrong Time to Consider a Public Option

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This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 26, 2021 “California’s hospitals support health coverage for all, but today’s calls from Washington D.C. to do so by creating a public option are not the solution, and other pressing health care challenges demand immediate attention and investment […]

HHS Announces Additional Block Grants to Address Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Crisis

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The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has announced the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is distributing $3 billion in American Rescue Plan funding. The Community Mental Health Services Block Grant (MHBG) program and Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SABG) program will disperse $1.5 billion each to states and territories.  

HQI/CHPSO Webinars Highlight Patient Safety Awareness Week

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Much progress has been made in patient safety — between 2009 and 2019, the annual number of errors serious enough to warrant monetary penalties from the California Department of Public Health declined 27% — but more can be done. In recognition of Patient Safety Awareness Week, March 8-14, the Hospital Quality Institute (HQI) and CHPSO will offer five free webinars focused on improving the safety of the health care system and recognizing the work that’s being done.

California Hospital Leaders Sound Alarm: Immediate Financial Relief Needed to Keep Hospitals Open, Caring for People

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California Hospital Leaders Sound Alarm: Immediate Financial Relief Needed to Keep Hospitals Open, Caring for People

WHEN:          Thursday, May 7, 2020, 11 a.m.

WHERE:        For Dial-In Information, Email:  – CREDENTIALED MEDIA ONLY

WHAT:          COVID-19’s Devastating Financial Impact on California’s Hospitals

OSHPD Awards $17.3 Million for Mental Health Programs

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The Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development has awarded $17.3 million in grants to seven programs to help build the pipeline of public mental health professionals in California. 

DHCS Issues Letters to Recover Prior Year Overpayments for PHSF Program

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What’s happening: The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) issued demand letters last week to nearly 125 private hospitals seeking to recover overspent funds distributed through the Private Hospital Supplemental Fund (PHSF) program.  

What else to know: DHCS wants to recover overspent funds from 2013-14 and 2020-21. The overpayments are due to DHCS by April 1.  

2022: A Year for Opportunity and Progress

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On Monday, the 120 members of the state Legislature — 40 senators and 80 Assembly members — reconvened in Sacramento to begin the second term of this two-year legislative session. 

FEMA Releases Updated Policy for Public Assistance Related to COVID-19

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The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has released an updated version of its “Coronavirus Pandemic Medical Care Eligible for Public Assistance” policy.  

The updated version includes a new section on allowable costs associated with COVID-19 vaccine distribution and administration. It also updates the conditions of receiving funding to ensure that recipients focus the use of FEMA funding on underserved populations and high-risk communities. Finally, the policy provides details on changes to the federal cost share percentage.  

Sheree Lowe

Sheree Lowe has been Vice President of Behavioral Health at CHA since 2002.  In this capacity, she staffs CHA’s Center for Behavioral Health (CBH) Advisory Group and represents the interests of Acute Psychiatric Hospitals (APH), behavioral health units in medical/surgical hospitals, and Chemical Dependency Recovery Hospitals (CDRH) providing both in and outpatient mental health and  substance use disorder services – commonly referred to as behavioral health. Since 2010, she has also advocated on matters relating to behavioral health in our  community hospital emergency departments. She also represents the interests of hospital-based outpatient clinics (HBOC) providing primary care services. Currently, she staffs the Behavioral Health Action Coalition, a CHA/NAMI-CA co-founded coalition made up of over 50 statewide organizations focused on elevating both the hospital and community behavioral health delivery system in California.  

Senator Susan Talamantes Eggman will open the Symposium as the Keynote

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Why you should attend: Hear from Sen. Susan Talamantes Eggman, a leader on behavioral health in the Legislature, and get an update on public policies, politics, and financial issues shaping behavioral health care in California.  

When: Dec. 12-13 at the Kimpton Sawyer Hotel in Sacramento.