Search Results for: "Recovery"

Showing 91 - 100 of 149 results

CEO Message: Relief for California Hospitals Can Come in Many Ways — But it Must Come

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Today, President Biden signed a $1.9 trillion COVID-19 stimulus package that will bring much-needed relief to a wide swath of the country including: an extension of jobless supplement programs, direct $1,400 payments to most Americans, an expansion of the child tax credit, support for restaurants, rental assistance, support for schools, and billions of dollars to state and local governments. 

CalAIM: Medical Necessity Behavioral Health

Implementation of CalAIM is a multiyear process and will influence how patient care is provided in numerous areas. Review this education brief to learn more about Medi-Cal Specialty Mental Health Services, what may be defined as ‘medical necessity,’ the CalAIM proposal and anticipated changes, and answers to the most common questions about the CalAIM reforms […]

CalAIM: Behavioral Health Payment Reform

Upcoming changes to Medi-Cal will have a tremendous impact on hospitals. One of those changes is related to the Behavioral Health Payment Reform. Review this education brief to better understand realignment, proposed behavioral health payment reform and the two phases of implementation.

CDPH Updates Hospital and Skilled-Nursing Facility Visitation Order

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This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.On Feb. 7, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) issued a State Public Health Officer Order to amend its order on Dec. 31, 2021, about hospital and skilled-nursing facility (SNF) indoor visitation. In effect, yesterday’s order rescinds the increased requirements for […]

Kaiser Permanente’s Thrive Local: Connecting Patients to Critical Community Resources — Participant Information

When patients leave the hospital, there’s usually some healing ahead. More often than not, special services or assistance are needed to help recovery — crucial resources that may be lacking for vulnerable populations.   Kaiser Permanente’s Thrive Local was developed to address these needs. Thrive Local features a community referral network that integrates health systems, […]

The Hitches and Glitches of AB 2275 – LPS 5150 Involuntary Treatment — Participant Information

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This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.While Assembly Bill (AB) 2275 went into law six months ago, interpretations on implementing changes vary among counties, and many unanswered questions remain in emergency departments across the state. Join CHA to hear what the law requires, what Lanterman-Petris Short (LPS) Act […]

Tragedy in Gilroy

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“My son had his whole life to live and he was only six. That’s all I can say.” – Alberto Romero, father of Gilroy shooting victim Stephen Romero

“I have no words to describe this pain I’m feeling…We just want Keyla to be remembered as someone that is beautiful…She really cared a lot about other people. She loved animals. She had big dreams and aspirations and her life was cut short.” – Katiuska Pimentel Vargas, aunt of 13-year-old Gilroy shooting victim Keyla Salazar