Search Results for: "Continuity Planning"

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Volunteer Worthy News

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Volunteer-related articles of interest from CAHHS Volunteer Services monthly newsletter

CalHOPE’s counselors are there when needed

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When Jacob Daruvala began work in April as a program coordinator at Unity Hope, an Inland Empire affiliate of CalHOPE, the job was very personal to him. In December 2020, he’d lost his grandfather to COVID-19, so he knew intimately the grief and heartache that this pandemic has wrought on millions of Californians.

CHA Amicus Activity Tracker

Judicial Advocacy for Hospitals

In addition to its federal and state legislative and regulatory advocacy, CHA also advocates for hospitals through the judicial system by filing amicus (“friend of the court”) briefs in cases that may potentially have a broad impact on hospitals and health systems. Amicus briefs allow CHA to provide important factual context and legal analysis from hospitals’ perspectives. CHA’s most recent amicus efforts beginning in 2021 are summarized below.  

Q&A with Dr. Carrie Byington of UC Health

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OHC sat down with Dr. Carrie L. Byington, executive vice president of University of California Health (UCH), to find out what drew her to California, how preventable differences affect health outcomes, and what the university’s data, expertise, and innovations mean for the Golden State.