Search Results for: "Continuity Planning"

Showing 1 - 10 of 2,141 results

Business Continuity Planning Suite

This software was created for businesses to create, improve, or update their business continuity plans. The suite is scalable for optimal use by organizations of any size and consists of a business continuity plan (BCP) training, automated BCP and disaster recovery plan generators, and a self-directed exercise for testing an implemented BCP. Businesses can utilize this solution to maintain normal operations and foster resilience during a disruption.

Hospital Business Continuity Templates

These business continuity plan (BCP) templates and instruction manuals are provided by the Los Angeles County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Agency to assist health care facilities develop their business continuity plans and meet the Hospital Preparedness Program’s Health Care Preparedness Capability.

Continuity of Operations Plan Template

Developed by the California Association of Health Facilities, this template is designed to assist long-term care providers in developing an effective continuity of operations plan for emergency scenarios. While this template is designed for long-term care, small and rural hospitals may find the template useful and adaptable.

Hospital Evacuation: Lessons Learned from the Caldor Fire

2022 Disaster Conference

This presentation from Barton Health provides insights on response and business continuity plans in the event of a wildfire evacuation. Presenters share lessons learned from the full-scale evacuation of Barton Memorial Hospital and skilled-nursing facility in response to the Caldor Fire. The presentation reviews the logistical challenges of evacuating and repopulating a bi-state rural health care system, explore staffing and personnel challenges and considerations, and shares lessons learned.

2021 Virtual Volunteer Leadership Conference

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

The California Hospital Volunteer Leadership Network is hosting a virtual conference Feb. 16-17, 2021. The annual California Hospital Volunteer Leadership Conference will offer general and concurrent sessions, as well as pre-recorded sessions with live Q&A. More details will be available in the coming weeks as the conference committee diligently continues planning the event. Volunteers and paid staff who manage volunteer programs are encouraged to participate.

Hospital Emergency Management

California’s hospitals quickly mobilize and adapt to continue providing patient care during emergencies. These resources provide essential information to support hospitals’ emergency planning and response efforts. Quick Links Search Hospital Disaster Preparedness

2024 Disaster Planning Conference Only Two Weeks Away

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

What’s happening: CHA will host the 2024 Disaster Planning Conference in Pasadena on Sept. 10 and 11. Presentations will cover everything from vulnerability assessments and business continuity planning to firsthand accounts of various disasters and best practices hospitals can implement to be better prepared.    

What else to know: Registration is open.