Search Results for: "2016 Disaster Conference" OR "2018 Disaster Conference"

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Lessons from Wildfires, Mudslides, Floods Top Agenda at California Hospital Disaster Planning Conference

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

PASADENA (September 10, 2019) – From wildfires and earthquakes to floods and mass shootings, what were once rare or infrequent events have now become regular occurrences in California. For California hospitals, disaster preparedness has become a way of life — because being prepared can literally mean the difference between life and death.

Recognizing the importance of learning from recent disasters and from one another, hospital and disaster response officials from across California have gathered in Pasadena to discuss hospital emergency preparedness in the Golden State.

How Democrats could lose on health care in 2020

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

In 2018, Democrats won the midterm elections on the issue of health care, specifically protecting the Affordable Care Act and its guarantee of coverage for pre existing conditions. It was a hard-earned victory: Passing the ACA was a major reason Democrats lost the House and seats in the Senate in 2010 , and polls showed the ACA was not a winner for Democrats in 2012, 2014 or 2016. Now, the question is: Having won the upper hand on health care, will Democrats give it back in 2020?

What might squander that advantage? A primary battle among Democrats who all favor universal coverage but have differences about how to get there. Candidates seeking advantage in that contest by questioning the purity of one another’s views on health care, or conversely, trying to scare voters with nightmare scenarios about those with more liberal views. And most important, a focus on internecine differences instead of on the sharp contrast between the core Democratic position and the Republican stand on the future of health coverage in our country.

Disaster Planning for California Hospitals

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

September 10 – 11, 2019
Pasadena, CA

Sponsor or Exhibit Now!

Be front and center at the only disaster planning conference targeted to California hospitals. Showcase your products to hundreds of leading health care decision makers, including hospital preparedness coordinators, disaster planning teams, and key state and federal officials. With dedicated exhibit viewing time to network, you will not be disappointed!

Hospital Disaster Preparedness

Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) HICS is a hospital-specific methodology based on established incident command system (ICS) protocols. Learn how HICS assists hospitals in emergency management planning, response, and recovery — including courses, forms, and guides. HICS Forms Form 201   Form 202   Form 203 Form 204  Form 213  Form 214   Form 215A  IAP Quickstart Form  IAP […]

Leading Practices in Decontamination and Triage

2016 Disaster Conference

Presented by UCSF Health, this session reviews best practices and response strategies for events requiring decontamination for first receivers. The presentation includes lessons learned from specific chemical, biological, nuclear, and explosive events. Also included are ways hospitals can review risks and challenges in CBRNE events, and outlines steps hospitals can take to prepare for and respond to these events.

Ensuring Accurate Public Information in Emergency Management and Response

2016 Disaster Conference

This presentation discusses how the public information officer (PIO) is a vital part of the incident command team, charged with delivering accurate information to the right people at the right time. This session reviews the role of the PIO and presents strategies for utilizing social media for emergency communications.

Presentation: Building Workforce Resilience

2016 Disaster Conference

This presentation discusses strategies hospitals can use to build a resilient workforce. The session focuses on key considerations for hospitals with emphasis on factors that affect resilience, such as availability of senior management, acclimation, employee acknowledgement, and staff appreciation.

Collaborating with Law Enforcement to Boost Resilience

2016 Disaster Conference

This session reviews how hospitals can boost resilience by incorporating law enforcement into their plans, policies and procedures. The presentation identified ways hospitals can involve law enforcement into their drills, training, and community outreach, how to incorporate law enforcement into their safety/security threat assessments, and their and Workplace Violence Prevention Program (WPVPP).