Breaches to hospital data systems can happen fast and be devastating. To help hospitals avoid these breaches, CHA and Hospital Council — Northern & Central California will host a webinar, Ransomware and Emerging Cyber Threats, on Feb. 11 from 1:30 to 3 p.m. (PT).
John Riggie, AHA’s senior adviser for cybersecurity and risk, will share what’s happening nationwide, what hospitals can do to safeguard against a cyberattack, and what to do if a cyberattack occurs. In addition, Kelly Mather, CEO of BayHealth Development and former CEO of Sonoma Valley Health, and Tamra Dufree, director of technology at Enloe Medical Center, will share what happened when their hospitals faced cyberattacks.
Register now for this complimentary, members-only webinar to learn more about what hospitals can do to protect themselves from an attack. There will be ample time to submit questions to all the experts.