As part of its Perinatal Mental Health (PMH) Learning Community, the Hospital Quality Institute will host a complimentary webinar from noon to 1 p.m. (PT) on Feb. 18 to discuss how hospitals can support patients and families who have a child in the NICU.
Having an infant in the NICU can be emotionally challenging for birthing people and their families. This webinar will discuss sources and common effects of stress on NICU families, as well as ways hospitals can help support their mental and physical health. The presenter, Sharon Tan, Psy.D., is a clinical psychologist in private practice and at Miller Children’s and Women’s Hospital.
The PMH Learning Community is HQI’s two-year program aimed at strengthening approaches to mental health during the perinatal period. So far, 143 California birthing hospitals have joined, but enrollment remains open. To check if your hospital has enrolled, click on the “Participating Hospitals” tab on the program website. Hospitals can join by clicking the “Enroll” tab.
Participation helps hospitals comply with Assembly Bill 3032, which requires educating perinatal employees about maternal mental health conditions. It also requires hospitals to inform postpartum women and families about the signs and symptoms of maternal mental health disorders, post-hospital treatment options, and community resources.
For more information about the PMH Learning Community, visit the program website or contact Julia Slininger, RN, BS, CPHQ, at