CHA News

Experts Discuss Workers’ Compensation Issues at Upcoming Seminar

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

CHA’s members-only Hospital Employee Safety and Workers’ Compensation Seminar is coming March 14 to Costa Mesa and March 20 to Sacramento. While providing a safe work environment is always the goal, hospitals need to understand how to get their employees the help they need when they get injured, while remaining compliant with California employment law.

The seminar will feature workers’ compensation experts who can answer questions and suggest best practice policies and procedures. It will also review regulatory and legislative updates — including emerging issues such as exposure to surgical smoke — and include interactive roundtable discussions on handling various leaves of absence issues.

Developed for health care professionals in human resources, workers’ compensation, employee health, compliance, risk management and nursing, this seminar is a great opportunity to keep your facility in compliance while networking with colleagues.