CHA and the California Bridge Program have partnered to provide members with a 15-minute on-demand video that explains the origins and benefits of the California Bridge Program’s highly successful opioid treatment model.
Acute care hospitals that have implemented the program report encouraging results. Two features — rapid medication assisted treatment and use of substance use navigators who connect the patient with post-discharge services — have been key to its success. For hospitals considering implementation of the program, state funding through the Department of Health Care Services is now available for substance use navigators.
CHA will host a live question-and-answer session about the program and state funding for substance use navigators on Oct. 21 from 9:30 to 10 a.m. (PT). CHA’s BJ Bartleson, vice president, nursing and clinical services, will moderate the questions for Dr. Aimee Moulin, associate professor at UC Davis and co-director of the California Bridge Program.
To view the on-demand program or register for the complimentary Q&A session, click here.