CHA News

CHA Issues Draft Comments in Response to IRF, IPF Payment Proposed Rules 

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

What’s happening: CHA submitted comments in response to the federal fiscal year 2025 inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRF) and inpatient psychiatric facilities (IPF) prospective payment system proposed rules. 

What else to know: Comments were due to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services by 2 p.m. (PT) on May 28.  

In comments on the IRF proposals, CHA raises concerns about the proposed market basket update (MBU) and urges CMS to provide an adequate payment update in the final rule.  

CHA also raises concerns about the proposed MBU in the IPF proposed rule and asks CMS to: 

  • Phase-in increases to payment for electroconvulsive therapy  
  • Work with Congress to support access for safety-net populations 
  • Not finalize the 30-Day Risk-Standardized All-Cause Emergency Department (ED) Visit Following an IPF Discharge (IPF ED Visit) as proposed due to concerns it would penalize IPFs for factors beyond their control 

CHA thanks members for their feedback, which informed the comment letters.