CHA News

CHA Continues Work to Hold Insurers Accountable

What’s happening: CHA continues to await a response to the lawsuit filed against Anthem Blue Cross on April 23.    

What else to know: In the interim, CHA continues to collect information to support its position that many managed care plans, including Anthem Blue Cross, are violating certain provisions of the Knox-Keene Act.   

Media Coverage of CHA Lawsuit Runs Statewide

What’s happening: Statewide and national media coverage of the CHA lawsuit against Anthem Blue Cross includes print articles, news videos, and mentions on local radio stations. 

What else to know: CHA filed the lawsuit on April 23 against Anthem Blue Cross, one of California’s largest health insurance companies.  

CHA Encourages Members to Participate in the Vitality Index Payer Scorecard

What’s happening: CHA is endorsing member participation in the Vitality Index Payer Scorecard, which will provide critical information to support CHA’s advocacy to hold insurers accountable for timely and accurate reimbursement.  

What else to know: The CHA Board of Trustees has endorsed this tool, which will automatically draw de-identified claims and remittance information from hospitals without requiring additional reporting or surveys.  
