Search Results for: "Memoranda of Understanding"

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What Are Memoranda of Understanding?

Hospitals should consider memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with organizations that can supplement their resources and services during emergencies and disasters. MOUs are established between hospitals, other health care providers, and/or emergency response agencies to collaborate, communicate, respond, and support one another during a disaster or other public health emergency. Understandings regarding the incident command structure, patient and resource management, processes and policies in place for requesting and sharing of staff, equipment and consumable resources, as well as payment, are generally addressed in a local mutual aid MOU.

Samples: Hospital Mutual Aid Memoranda of Understanding

The mutual aid support concept is well established and is considered “standard of care” in most emergency response disciplines. The purpose of this mutual aid support agreement is to aid hospitals in their emergency management by authorizing the Hospital Mutual Aid System (H-MAS). H-MAS addresses the loan of medical personnel, pharmaceuticals, supplies, and equipment, or assistance with emergent hospital evacuation, including accepting transferred patients.

Rural Readiness: Preparing, Maintaining and Utilizing MOUs

2018 Disaster Conference

This presentation discusses resource limitations and needs faced by rural hospitals and describes the types of community collaboration that can be useful to filling in resource gaps. The session outlines the importance of proactive planning in preparation for emergency/disaster situations by establishing and maintaining the use of MOUs.

Being a READY Rural Hospital

2023 Disaster Conference

Rural communities face many challenges and resource limitations. When an emergency arises, it is not the time to scramble to find needed resources. Ideally resource needs have been identified and memoranda of understanding (MOUs) are already in place, ready to access if needed. Rural hospitals are a hub of the community and can lead the way in emergency preparedness collaboration and organization by establishing relationships, contacts and MOUs with business, schools, and community organizations. 

Hospital Emergency Management

California’s hospitals quickly mobilize and adapt to continue providing patient care during emergencies. These resources provide essential information to support hospitals’ emergency planning and response efforts. Quick Links Search Hospital Disaster Preparedness

Hospital Evacuation

Hospital plans for full or partial evacuation should incorporate pre-planning and address the incident command and management structure established for its operational area (community). In advance of an event, Hospitals should understand and incorporate local plans and protocols that are in place to support evacuation and should establish Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) with other hospitals, as necessary, for transfer and mutual aid during an emergency.(See CHA Hospital Evacuation Plan Checklist)

Counties May Delay Expansion of Involuntary Holds

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

A new law that could impact hospital emergency departments and inpatient psychiatric capacity can be delayed until 2026 if county boards of supervisors across California adopt a resolution within the next few months.