Search Results for: "Crisis Care"

Showing 21 - 30 of 42 results

CEO Message: Progress on State Help Amid Crisis

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There is no way to sugarcoat this, nor should we: California’s hospitals are in the middle of a full-blown crisis. 

COVID-19 cases are hitting new heights every day (more than 50,000 on Wednesday), hospitalizations for COVID-19 this week topped 16,000, and ICU capacity is rapidly dwindling (it was less than 2% in Southern California and the San Joaquin Valley this week) due to shortfalls of critical care nurses. 

The state projects the number of COVID-19 patients in hospitals will double in a month’s time.  

Legislative Close Brings Reprieve for Hospitals Despite a Delay on Two Big Issues

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As California’s hospitals endure wave after wave of COVID-19 surges — a challenge compounded by severe and persistent workforce shortages — this year’s legislative session was filled with bills that could have made your jobs even harder at a time when every single resource ought to be focused on saving lives. 

More Must Be Done for Californians Facing Behavioral Health Conditions

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“Hospital emergency departments house homeless mental health patients for days — and sometimes weeks — while they wait for mental health bed capacity to open due to a severe shortage of inpatient and step-down unit beds.” — Sacramento County Grand Jury Investigative Report, June 2023  

Hospital Disaster Preparedness

Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) HICS is a hospital-specific methodology based on established incident command system (ICS) protocols. Learn how HICS assists hospitals in emergency management planning, response, and recovery — including courses, forms, and guides. HICS Forms Form 201   Form 202   Form 203 Form 204  Form 213  Form 214   Form 215A  IAP Quickstart Form  IAP […]

CEO Message: The Long and Winding Road

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Earlier this week, Governor Newsom shared some encouraging news about California’s COVID-19 positivity rate, which dropped by 2 percentage points, to 4%, over the past 14 days compared to the two weeks prior. 

We’re moving in the right direction, but we would be remiss to think we’ve truly turned the corner on this pandemic. Rather, this progress means we must be even more vigilant, to guard against a premature resumption of activities that could set us back months. 

Coronavirus Response Newsletter

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State Health Order on Hospital Surge Released

The State Health Order, released by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Jan. 5 and amended Jan. 6, is in effect through at least Jan. 26 and unless rescinded, primarily does two things:

2023 Behavioral Health Care Symposium

Did you see the Symposium is in Sacramento this year? Bringing California’s hospital leaders, policymakers, and experts on behavioral health together, the symposium will dive into the public policies, politics, and financial issues shaping behavioral health care in our state.   Share the news with your colleagues. This is big.  Register today!

Coronavirus Response Newsletter

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Hospitals Must Post Crisis Care Guidelines on Website

Effective Jan. 6, all California hospitals are required to publicly post their crisis care continuum guidelines, another facility’s guidelines, or the state’s guidelines on their website, per All Facilities Letter (AFL) 20-91. Additionally, hospitals must notify their local California Department of Public Health (CDPH) district office and their local public health department via email that they have adopted and publicly posted this policy – including a link to the website posting. Hospitals are expected to have plans that best fit their facility and regional needs and processes, while following ethical principles, health equity goals, and civil rights laws. CHA urges all hospitals to post their guidelines in an easy-to-find location on their website.

Physicians Will See Medicare Payment Cuts Next Year

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What’s happening: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) 2024 physician fee schedule final rule reduces Medicare payments to physicians by 1.23% compared to the prior year.  

What else to know: The final 2024 physician fee schedule conversion factor is $32.74, a decrease of $1.15, or 3.4%, from 2023.