CHA News

Root Cause Analysis Pre-Summit Webinars Kick Off on Feb. 16

For CMOs, CNOs, nurses, compliance officers, clinical operations staff, quality & patient safety staff

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

The Hospital Quality Institute (HQI), along with Collaborative Healthcare Patient Safety Organization and Alliance for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, will present a first-of-its kind Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Virtual Innovation Summit this spring. The summit will feature expert keynote speakers, general sessions packed with valuable information, and separate breakouts addressing RCAs in specific environments.  

Leading up to the April 14 summit is a series of webinars devoted to enlightening health care professionals on RCA best practices. The pre-summit webinars kick off on Feb. 16 with a focus on RCA causal diagramming. Other webinars in the series include:  

  • Feb. 25: Applying the RCA² Methodology for RCA Review and Feedback​ 
  • March 4: RCA 101: Making it Work for the Team 
  • March 23: Affective Biases in Medical Decision Making: What Are They and What Should We Do About Them? 

This educational activity is jointly provided by AXIS Medical Education, CHA, and HQI. Participants are welcome to register for one or all in the series.