Get ready for federally mandated changes to the Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) process going into effect July 2023.
This is not a drill! The deadline is set, a new form is in place, and hospitals must start using it in July. Join us and get details directly from the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). Hear how DHCS is committed to working with hospitals to ensure timely patient discharge, and learn:
- What is in the new protocol
- How to use the new form
- What to do if a Level II assessment is required
- How to schedule training with DHCS
The PASRR process is not going away, it is changing and the July deadline is firm. Federal law requires that patients likely to go to SNF are assessed before they leave the hospital; this is your opportunity to prepare for the new process and have your questions answered by experts.
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