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Trina Gonzalez

Trina Gonzalez currently serves Vice President, Policy at the California Hospital Association (CHA), where she is responsible for developing CHA’s policy positions on a wide range of legislative and regulatory issues that affect California hospitals and health systems, including managed care, health care coverage, health information exchange, and community benefits. 

Trina previously served as Director of Community Integration at UC Davis Health and Program Officer at the Milbank Memorial Fund, a national foundation dedicated improving population health by connecting state policymakers with the best available evidence and experience. She also spent over a decade in public service in California state government, where she served as Interim Chief, Center for Innovation at CalPERs, Assistant Secretary for Public Health and Emergency Medical Services with the Health and Human Services Agency and Deputy Director for Pollution Prevention at the Department of Toxic Substances Control.

Trina holds a master degree in Public Policy from Princeton University, a master degree in Political Science from the University of Hawaii, and bachelor degree in International Relations from Scripps College. 

Coronavirus Response Newsletter

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Hospitals Must Post Crisis Care Guidelines on Website

Effective Jan. 6, all California hospitals are required to publicly post their crisis care continuum guidelines, another facility’s guidelines, or the state’s guidelines on their website, per All Facilities Letter (AFL) 20-91. Additionally, hospitals must notify their local California Department of Public Health (CDPH) district office and their local public health department via email that they have adopted and publicly posted this policy – including a link to the website posting. Hospitals are expected to have plans that best fit their facility and regional needs and processes, while following ethical principles, health equity goals, and civil rights laws. CHA urges all hospitals to post their guidelines in an easy-to-find location on their website.

FAQs Help Hospitals Prepare for Jan. 15 PPE Reporting Deadline

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As reported previously, California’s general acute care hospital personal protective equipment (PPE) stockpile law – Assembly Bill (AB) 2537 – requires hospitals to be prepared to report specified PPE data as of Jan. 15. CHA developed and has updated frequently asked questions to assist hospitals with implementation.

DMHC Proposes Emergency Regulations on Patient Transfers

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On Jan. 12, the Department of Managed Health Care proposed adopting emergency regulations on the transfers of enrollees per state or local public health orders. Once approved by the Office of Administrative Law and filed with the Secretary of State, the regulations will be effective and remain in effect for 180 days.

CEO Message: Effective Vaccination Process Holds Key to COVID-19 Exit

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As California approaches 1 million COVID-19 vaccines administered, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the more efficient our process for mass vaccination, the sooner our state can begin to climb out of the pandemic slog we’ve been in for nearly a year.