CHA News

New Process Released for Resubmitting Certain IDR Disputes

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

What’s happening: The Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, and the Treasury announced the release of a new process for resubmitting independent dispute resolution (IDR) disputes that were originally improperly batched or bundled.  

What else to know: The new resubmission process is automated in the federal IDR portal. 

Resubmission requests will come directly from the federal IDR portal instead of from your certified IDR entity. Initiating parties will now have a unique web form they can access via a link in their resubmission email notification to complete the resubmission process. 

If you are a party to a dispute that is eligible to be resubmitted to the federal IDR process, you will receive an email from If you initiated the dispute, the resubmission email notification will contain a unique link to a new form called the Notice of IDR Initiation – Resubmission web form and instructions on the next steps. If you did not initiate the original dispute, your email will be informational and will not have a link. 

Initiating parties have four business days from the date of the resubmission email to resubmit a dispute. The resubmission link will no longer work after the four-business day window has passed.  

If a certified IDR entity notified you on or before April 30 that a dispute you submitted was eligible for resubmission due to improper batching or bundling, please resubmit the dispute as instructed in the email from your certified IDR entity through the Notice of IDR Initiation web form. Refer to the Notice of Initiation Web Form Job Aid for information on how to resubmit these disputes. 

The Notice of IDR Initiation web form accepted resubmitted disputes through May 6. All resubmissions must now be submitted via the Notice of IDR Initiation – Resubmission web form as described below.  

As of May 1, certified IDR entities had notified parties through an email from the federal IDR portal that a dispute is eligible for resubmission due to improper batching or bundling.  

Additional information and instructions on how to complete and submit the new Notice of IDR Initiation – Resubmission web form is available in a user guide and recorded demo.