Hospitals Provide Update on Resurgence Planning as COVID-19 Infection Rates Continue to Rise
WHEN: Wednesday, July 22, 2020, 10 a.m.
WHERE: Operator-Assisted Audio Press Conference
Dial-in: (855) 920-2730
Conference Call: 73026#
WHAT: Carmela Coyle, President & CEO of the California Hospital Association, will discuss hospital capacity (including staffing, PPE availability and more) as California hospitals respond to the surge in COVID-19 positive patients.
WHO: Carmela Coyle, President & CEO, California Hospital Association
WHY: As COVID-19 cases continue to rise throughout California, hospitals remain on the front lines in caring for their communities. As hospitals respond to the surge in patients, it is critical that all stakeholders have a shared understanding of capacity, the challenges facing hospitals, and what these mean for fighting the trends that lie ahead.
Jan Emerson-Shea
(916) 552-7516
(916) 804-0663 – Cell
@jemersonshea – Twitter