On July 17, the California Building Standards Commission certified emergency building standards proposed by the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) to implement CHA’s sponsored bill from last year, Assembly Bill (AB) 2190 (Chapter 673, Statutes of 2018).
That legislation granted specified hospitals the opportunity to apply for an extension of the Jan. 1, 2020, seismic compliance deadline. It also required general acute care hospitals with buildings that do not substantially comply with seismic safety standards to attest that their board of directors is aware that the buildings are required to meet the Jan. 1, 2030, compliance deadline.
This attestation requirement applies to hospitals with buildings rated Structural Performance Category (SPC) 1 or 2 or with a Non-Structural Performance Category (NPC) rating of less than 5. Attestations, along with the facility name and number, should be emailed to the OSHPD Seismic Compliance Unit at seismiccomplianceunit@oshpd.ca.gov by Dec. 31.