CHA is reminding members that hospital supplier diversity reports for calendar year 2021 are due on July 1.
Under Health and Safety Code Section 1339.85-1339.87, hospitals with operating expenses of $50 million or more, and licensed hospitals with operating expenses of $25 million or more that are part of a hospital system, are required to submit a report each year on their minority, women, LGBT, and disabled veteran business enterprise procurement efforts to the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI), which is responsible for developing and administering the program to collect and post the hospital supplier diversity reports.
For the upcoming reports, HCAI has developed a new reporting program, the Hospital Disclosures and Compliance (HDC) System. This program, which allows hospitals to submit reports electronically, has been ready for hospitals to start using since June 1. If you have not received an email from HCAI about registering your hospital in the new system, please email It is important to note that HCAI will not accept emailed reports. In addition, if your hospital needs a 30-day extension, the request must be submitted via the system.
Last month, CHA sponsored a webinar featuring Sharon Takhar from HCAI’s HDC Unit, Information Services Division, where she reviewed the program, demonstrated the e-online application’s features, and fielded questions from participants. Her presentation and the webinar recording are available on the CHA website.
If you have any questions, please contact Trina A. Gonzalez, vice president, policy, at