
The Hitches and Glitches of AB 2275 – LPS 5150 Involuntary Treatment

A complimentary, CHA members-only webinar
July 31, 2023 | 8:30 - 10:00AM PT

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

While Assembly Bill (AB) 2275 went into law six months ago, interpretations on implementing changes vary among counties, and many unanswered questions remain in emergency departments across the state. Join CHA to hear what the law requires, what Lanterman-Petris Short (LPS) Act patients’ rights come into play, and how to engage community partners to successfully execute the law’s requirements. Speakers will provide guidance on how to move forward with the worsening challenges and increased confusion of AB 2275. 

This content is restricted to members.