
2024 Legislative Wrap-up

Don’t miss CHA’s upcoming  webinar — your essential guide to navigating new health care laws and regulations. This interactive session is designed to give you a clear, actionable understanding of the latest legislative updates that could impact your operations. Our expert panel will cover key 2024 legislation, highlight crucial deadlines, and answer your pressing questions, ensuring you’re well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

2024 CDPH Leadership Updates and District Sessions

CDPH and CHA will once again gather virtually to discuss all things licensing – including program flexes due to potential surges, the status of re-licensing and recertification surveys, and CDPH’s plans to modify Title 22.

Participants can speak with their district office representatives in separate breakout sessions. Now is the time to gain licensing clarification and a better understanding of CDPH policies and protocols.

Go ahead and register! It’s that easy.