Conference / Symposium

2022 Behavioral Health Care Symposium

CHA has designed its 2022 Behavioral Health Symposium as an opportunity for California’s hospital leaders to catch up on recent investments and policy changes, as well as hear from experts on the latest cutting-edge treatment options for mental illness and substance use disorders.

2022 Disaster Planning Conference


“Learn from the past, prepare for the future, live in the present.”

-Thomas Monson

What health care workers experienced over the last two years will be talked about for generations to come. We suffered professional and personal losses, pushed ourselves beyond our limits, and learned more than we ever expected. Fortunately, one of our greatest strengths is resiliency. Through it all, we strengthened ties with our colleagues, communities, and families.

Rural Hospital Leadership Meeting

This one-day event for rural hospital leaders will focus on our seismic strategy, changes to MediCal and other financial directives, as well as other key legislative issues. Plenty of time is planned for sharing, reacquainting, and roundtable discussions of issues specific to small and rural hospitals.

2022 AHA Annual Membership Meeting

April 24 – 26, 2022Washington, D.C. The American Hospital Association will convene hospital leaders from throughout the nation for its annual meeting in Washington, D.C. from April 24-26.