
Coronavirus Response Newsletter

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

Testing Plan Deadline Extended by CDPH until Dec. 14
As CHA continues to work with CDPH to address the many questions members have, the department is developing FAQs on the testing recommendations that it released in All-Facilities Letter 20-88. CDPH has notified CHA that those FAQs, which had been slated for release by end of day Dec. 3, will not be released until Dec. 7.

Given the delay, CDPH is extending the deadline of the required General Acute Care Hospital COVID-19 Mitigation Testing Plans due from hospitals to the department from no later than Monday, Dec. 7 to no later than Monday, Dec. 14. 
CDPH will formally announce this in the FAQs when it releases them on Monday. Note that CDPH has stated it will not be revising the other dates in the All-Facilities Letter. It continues to recommend weekly testing of high-risk hospital health care personnel, as defined in the AFL, beginning Dec. 7 and all hospital health care personnel beginning Dec. 14.  
In case you missed it, here are several resources available to hospitals to support them in developing these plans and communicating about them:
1.    The slide deck and recording from CHA’s Thursday webinar on these testing recommendations.
2.    An infographic to help educate about the supply challenges for testing materials and PPE.
3.    CHA’s key messages on the testing recommendation
4.    CHA’s statement on the governor’s recent announcement and op-ed published this week in Capitol Weekly.