Health care workers continue to be on the front line caring for patients. As community transmission of COVID-19 increases, hospitals are more likely to see suspect or confirmed cases. Adding to the complexity, health care workers may be exposed outside of work and questions may arise on how to handle those situations.
Like with any infectious disease, it is important to implement the most current rules regarding worker safety. Given the dynamic environment, this is certainly a challenge. Many federal and state laws and regulations address worker safety in this context, including Cal/OSHA ATD, Respiratory Protection, and Injury and Illness Prevention Plan standards. In addition, employers are regularly receiving CDC guidance and the California Department of Public Health directives.
Join us to learn more about these issues, the best steps to protect employee safety, practical considerations, and answers to frequently asked questions, such as: What must hospitals follow to be in compliance? What are the next steps to take in prevention and mitigation? What changes in the governing laws, regulations and guidance should we next anticipate?
Who should participate
Human resources executives and staff, chief nursing officers and nursing directors, chief medical officers, disaster coordinators, emergency department directors and physicians, compliance officers, and risk managers
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