Recent CHA communications highlights include:
Two videos from CHA have been shared on social media and are available on the CHA website and showcase hospitals in action:
- Community is everything: Plumas District Hospital in rural Quincy is not just a morale leader and vital employer to community, but it also has one more distinction. It’s the smallest hospital in California that still delivers babies. See more about the vital service this rural hospital is providing.
- Maximizing resources: In Mendocino County, Adventist Health operates three hospitals serving a sprawling rural area. During a COVID-19 spike in late summer 2021, hospital leaders had to think outside the box to best care for their communities. In this video, see how they started with a new way of looking at their collective resources.
Our Health California published this blog post on how hospitals are helping feed hungry Californians.
- Throughout California, hospitals are reaching beyond their own walls and into their communities to address many of the factors that affect health. See how three hospitals are tackling one of those factors — access to healthy foods — by using innovative ways to help feed their communities.