CHA News

CMS Issues Guidance on New Staffing Requirements

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

What’s happening: The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued updated guidance to state survey agencies and providers regarding facility assessment requirements for long-term care facilities.     

What else to know: The revised guidance updates the survey and assessment process as implemented under the Minimum Staffing Standards for Long-Term Care Facilities and Medicaid Institutional Payment Transparency Reporting final rule.  

The new provisions, which must be implemented by Aug. 8, specify that the assessment of the resident population must include an evaluation of diseases, conditions, and impairments and their associated acuity, as well as other pertinent information. The results of this assessment must drive staffing decisions and inform the facility about the skills and competencies staff must possess and should also contribute to the identification of additional resident care needs, such as space and equipment.