AB 2098 (Garcia, D-Coachella)
Vetoed by the governor on Sept. 28.
AB 2098 would have extended repayment conditions for non-designated public hospitals with loans from the California Health Facilities Financing Authority Fund.
AB 2637 (Schiavo, D-Santa Clarita)
Vetoed by the governor on Sept. 22.
AB 2637 would have allowed the California Health Facilities Financing Authority to issue long-term working capital financing by removing the limitation that loans be repaid within 24 months. The bill would have also allowed the authority to establish financial eligibility standards for working capital loans.
SB 136 (Senate Committee on Budget and Fiscal Review)
Signed by the governor on March 25.
SB 136 authorizes changes to the managed care organization tax that will result in approximately $1.5 billion in new revenue to help the state maintain and improve the Medi-Cal program.
SB 1269 (Padilla, D-El Centro)
Failed to pass the Senate Health Committee by the May 3 deadline.
SB 1269 would have established a definition for “safety net hospital” and stated the Legislature’s intent that policymakers use this definition when crafting policy related to these hospitals.