Emergency Services

AB 977 (Rodriguez, D-Pomona)
Passed the Senate on Aug. 27. The Assembly agreed to Senate amendments on Aug. 29. Pending the governor's action.

AB 977 would extend certain penalties for violence committed against first responders to all health care workers who provide services within emergency departments. The bill defines “health care worker” as all staff and employees who provide services and treatment in the emergency department. AB 977 would also allow emergency departments to post a notice stating that an assault and battery against hospital staff is a crime and may result in a felony conviction.

Vanessa Gonzalez

Job title:
VP State Advocacy
Phone number:

Sheree Lowe

Job title:
VP Policy
Phone number:
Not Passed
AB 2175 (Lowenthal, D-Long Beach)  
Oppose Unless Amended
Held on the Assembly Appropriations Committee suspense file on May 16.

AB 2175 would have required general acute care hospitals to annually report to the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) specified information, including all specialties listed on the hospital’s call panel, whether each specialty is available 24/7, and the telephone number to contact for interfacility transfers. HCAI would have been required to develop a searchable database accessible to hospital staff.  

Vanessa Gonzalez

Job title:
VP State Advocacy
Phone number:

Sheree Lowe

Job title:
VP Policy
Phone number:
Not Passed
AB 2960 (Lee, D-Milpitas)
Oppose Unless Amended
Held on the Assembly Appropriations Committee suspense file on May 16.

AB 2960 would have required primary care clinics and hospital emergency departments to, at least once a year, offer a syphilis test to all sexually active patients at least 15 years of age. 

Vanessa Gonzalez

Job title:
VP State Advocacy
Phone number:

Sheree Lowe

Job title:
VP Policy
Phone number:
SB 963 (Ashby, D-Sacramento)
Passed the Assembly on Aug. 26. The Senate agreed to Assembly amendments on Aug. 28. Pending the governor's action.

SB 963 would require general acute care hospitals with an emergency department (ED) to create a human trafficking system available at the ED that would allow patients to self-identify as a victim of human trafficking or domestic violence. CHA was successful in securing amendments that would limit hospital and staff liability for complying in good faith with the provisions of the law. 

Vanessa Gonzalez

Job title:
VP State Advocacy
Phone number:

Sheree Lowe

Job title:
VP Policy
Phone number: