CHA DataSuite has issued a hospital-specific analysis of the Value-Based Purchasing Program (VBP) for federal fiscal year (FFY) 2021. The analysis is intended to provide hospitals a preview of the program’s potential impact, based on publicly available data and program rules established by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
The reports included in the analysis estimate VBP scores, impacts, and scoring trends and provide full detail on how the points and scores for each VBP measure and domain are calculated.
A report that compares actual FFY 2019 and FFY 2020 program performance to estimated FFY 2021 program performance is also included.
The analysis of the FFY 2021 program does not use the actual data CMS will use to calculate final VBP scores and Medicare inpatient payment redistributions. That data will not be publicly available until on or around the date that the official program is implemented.
For more detail information, see the VBP analysis description.