CHA has submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on two proposed rules on the Medicaid disproportionate share hospital (DSH) program.
The first letter was in response to proposed updates to regulatory requirements of the Medicaid DSH program, specifically concerning the treatment of third-party payments for purposes of calculating Medicaid hospital-specific DSH limits.
The second letter covered proposals related to the counting of days associated with individuals eligible for certain benefits provided by section 1115 demonstrations in the Medicaid fraction of a hospital’s disproportionate patient percentage.
CHA encourages members to submit comments to CMS. Comments on the third-party payer proposals are due to CMS by 2 p.m. (PT) on April 25 and can be submitted online. Comments on the section 1115 demonstration are due to CMS by 2 p.m. (PT) on May 1 and can also be submitted online.