On-Demand Learning

CalAIM: Behavioral Health Payment Reform

Upcoming changes to Medi-Cal will have a tremendous impact on hospitals. One of those changes is related to the Behavioral Health Payment Reform. Review this education brief to better understand realignment, proposed behavioral health payment reform and the two phases of implementation.

CalAIM: Managed Care and Medi-Cal


The CHA case manager committee identified a need — case managers needed additional training opportunities as well as ongoing support.  And case management leaders needed training tools that were accessible, cost-effective, and which could be customized to meet the unique needs of each individual and hospital.

CalAIM: In Lieu of Services


The CHA case manager committee identified a need — case managers needed additional training opportunities as well as ongoing support.  And case management leaders needed training tools that were accessible, cost-effective, and which could be customized to meet the unique needs of each individual and hospital.

No Surprises Act — Hospital Contracting and Compliance Implications

The No Surprises Act was signed into law on Dec. 27, 2020, as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. It addresses surprise medical billing for federally-regulated plans and in states without surprise billing laws. Most sections of the legislation are effective Jan. 1, 2022. As the name implies, this Act prohibits patients from getting surprise bills in certain out-of-network situations. The Departments of Health & Human Services, Treasury and Labor will issue regulations and guidance to implement numerous provisions. 

Developing Effective Partnerships in the Post-Acute Space Webinar

Originally recorded on January 19, 2021




Health care organizations evaluating their business models and strategic alignments increasingly focus on the continuum of care. Many recognize the clinical and financial opportunities available to organizations who can partner effectively in the post-acute space.

COVID-19: Hospital Visitor and Support Person Laws and Guidelines Webinar

Originally recorded October 30, 2020




Visitation challenges have become increasingly complex as hospitals address access issues and must comply with changing COVID 19-related requirements and guidance. Establishing guidelines to determine who can visit which patients while keeping patients and staff safe can prove challenging. This webinar can help.

Treating Opioid Use Disorder in Acute Care Hospitals


Opioid abuse is a long-standing problem in California.
The substance use disorder (SUD) crisis might seem insurmountable, but the CA Bridge Program has developed a model of care that saves lives and helps patients with SUDs get back on track. The 24/7 program is built upon three pillars: rapid access to medication-assisted treatment (MAT), welcoming and destigmatized care and specially trained substance use navigators (SUNs) that connect patients to ongoing care and support.

COVID-19 Workplace Notice Requirements


AB 685 was signed by Governor Newsom and goes into effect on January 1, 2021.  It contains numerous new obligations for all employers to provide notice of potential exposure to COVID-19 in the workplace.  While there are special provisions with respect to notice to employees whose job duties necessarily bring them into contact with individuals who are known to have COVID-19 or are persons under investigation, the new law does apply to all employers including health facilities.  In addition, the law allows CalO