On-Demand Learning

Health Workforce Initiatives — Participant Information

Staffing shortages remain a top concern for many hospitals and health systems in California. While many hospitals continue to be overwhelmed by staff burnout, organizations are looking for opportunities to develop and retain qualified employees.    CHA is hosting this webinar with the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) to share initiatives and grant […]

Seismic Survey Results and Campaign — Participant Information

CHA has launched a community engagement and education campaign to help lawmakers understand the critical need to provide hospitals with relief from the 2030 seismic requirements.   CHA recently surveyed members on the very real and harmful impacts these requirements will have and is offering this briefing to share embargoed survey results.   During this briefing, CHA […]

Medicare Area Wage Index Litigation Update — Participant Information

Since 2020, CHA has sponsored a legal challenge on behalf of its members to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) area wage index (AWI) policies that harm all California hospitals. Register for this webinar and listen to lawyers from Hooper, Lundy & Bookman, P.C. (HLB) for an update on this litigation. Learn about […]

Updates on the No Surprises Act Implementation — Participant Information

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently released a variety of resources related to the No Surprises Act.   CHA is hosting a webinar to review the updated resources and provide guidance for members navigating the No Surprises Act.     Join Amanda Hayes-Kibreab, partner, and Alana Broe, […]

CalAIM Long-Term Care Carve-In — Participant Information

To increase access to comprehensive care coordination, care management, and a broad array of services for Medi-Cal beneficiaries, CalAIM is standardizing Medi-Cal Long-Term Care (LTC) across the state. Effective January 1, all managed care plans must authorize and cover medically necessary LTC services at Skilled Nursing Facilities.   We know you have questions about these changes. […]

Important Legal Changes to Psychiatric Holds in 2023 — Participant Information

This webinar will provide a review of new state laws affecting all hospitals that treat patients on an involuntary psychiatric hold including hospital emergency departments and inpatient psychiatric services. It will describe the intersection of hospital EMTALA requirements and the involuntary psychiatric hold process. Audience:Health Care Executives, Case Managers, Social Workers, Risk Managers, Emergency Department […]

Dual Eligible Medi-Cal Managed Care Enrollment — Participant Information

CalAIM is standardizing Medi-Cal coverage for people enrolled in both Medi-Cal and Medicare with changes for many Californians starting next year.   On January 1, 2023, those enrolled in Medicare and Medi-Cal, who currently receive their Medi-Cal benefits through traditional fee-for-service, will have their Medi-Cal benefits transitioned to Medi-Cal managed care statewide, which could mean changes […]

CDPH Licensing in a Post-Pandemic World — Participant Information

Significant changes impacting hospitals are coming with the governor’s announcement that the COVID-19 State of Emergency will end on February 28, 2023. Many state waivers will end and hospitals will need to plan in order to continue certain practices and operations.   Experts from CHA and CDPH will address key issues and take questions during this […]

Member Update and Discussion: FEMA Public Assistance Funds — Participant Information

FEMA public assistance represents an important source of funding to help governmental and not-for-profit hospitals and health systems offset COVID-19 related expenses. However, CHA members have experience numerous delays in getting their applications processed. Join Anne O’Rourke, Senior Vice President, Federal Relations and Chad Mulvany, Vice President Federal Policy as they provide an update on […]