CHA News

Show Your Appreciation for Health Care Workers

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

California health care heroes are working on the front lines as the state faces COVID-19. Our Health California (OHC), supported by hospitals and CHA, has launched an appreciation campaign to recognize the hospital employees and their families who are working day and night to keep our community safe and healthy through this outbreak.

OHC, a digital community of more than 1 million Californians, is asking community members, the hospital family, and all Californians to sign and send digital messages of thanks to hospital staff and their families throughout the state. Supporters will have an opportunity to select their preferred card and message, and even write a message of their own. The prepared and personal notes of appreciation will then be digitally passed on to hospitals and health care workers and live on OHC’s website. Additionally, CHA will also package and deliver the notes of appreciation to hospitals so they can be displayed in highly visible areas.

Send a message today by clicking on one of the Our Health California cards. We will send thousands of messages to the heroes on the front lines.

If you have any questions or need additional information about the Our Health California appreciation campaign, please contact CHA’s Tracy Campbell at