CHA News

Statewide Transfers from San Joaquin Valley Could Soon Be Triggered, New State Dashboard Provides Updates

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

The San Joaquin Valley region could soon hit a key trigger under the Aug. 16 state public health officer order on hospital surge. If this is sustained for two additional days (Sept. 1 and 2), for a total of three days, it will require hospitals statewide to accept transfers from hospitals in the San Joaquin Valley under the order beginning Sept. 3.

Specifically, the order requires that when a mutual aid region has less than 10% of staffed adult ICU beds available for a period of three consecutive days, transfers must be accepted for seven days for those that meet all of the following criteria:

  • Clinically appropriate
  • Directed by the Medical Health Operational Area Coordinator (MHOAC), Regional Disaster Medical Health Coordinators and Specialist, or the Emergency Medical Services Authority or its designee, such as the All Access Transfer Center
  • Where the hospital has the capability to accept, as determined by the hospital’s leadership and MHOAC

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has posted a Regional ICU Capacity Dashboard that hospitals can monitor to know when a region has less than 10% of staffed adult ICU beds available for three consecutive days, thus triggering hospitals statewide to accept transfers.