Join CHA’s Interactive Discussion: Why Community Engagement is Key to Seismic Legislative Reform — Participant Information

Program originally recorded October 31, 2023.

This post has been archived and contains information that may be out of date.

Now that state lawmakers have wrapped up their work in Sacramento for this year, we have new insights into the dynamics that will affect seismic legislation next year and beyond. This work will not be easy — and will require engagement beyond the hospital field, most especially from your local community partners. 

Join us for an interactive session where you can talk directly to CHA staff and our expert consultants about the importance of establishing and strengthening relationships with your community partners as hospitals seek to reform the 2030 seismic requirements.

You also will hear from CHA Legislative Advocate Mark Farouk, who will share his insights from the recently concluded legislative session — and what lessons can be drawn going forward. 

During this time, you will have the opportunity to: 

  • Learn about the Legislature’s perceptions of the seismic requirements 
  • Recap the toolkit’s first three steps 
  • Identify your community partners 
  • Ask questions to ensure successful outcomes 

CHA is here to support you as we stand together to protect access to health care today and for future generations. 

This content is restricted to members.